Archive for the 'Health' Category

The #1 Exercise To Lose Belly Fat (FOR GOOD!)

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“How to lose belly fat” is one of the most common questions out there. And that’s understandable. Belly fat is really easy to gain and notoriously hard to lose. It can seem as though no matter what exercises you try to lose belly fat and no matter how well you eat, the belly fat just won’t budge. And unfortunately, with exception to surgery, there is currently no proven method of being able to spot reduce fat from the belly. There is an exercise, however, that is incredibly underutilized yet powerfully effective when it comes to losing even the most stubborn belly fat. Today I’ll share what that is and how you can start using it right away to lose belly fat.

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Why is belly fat is so hard to lose in the first place? Well, it comes down to the fact that certain areas of your body are easier to lose fat than others, and is largely determined by genetics. Now having your genetics stacked against you may seem problematic if you’re looking to develop a slim or lean looking abdomen, but there is a solution. As long as you create a calorie deficit, you will continue to lose fat. Eventually, if maintained long enough, you will lose excess fat from all areas of your body, even if your genetics put your belly fat at the back of the line.

While diet should be your main way of creating a calorie deficit, adding additional exercises could help you to lose belly fat by keeping your metabolism high, even as you’re losing weight from dieting. That said, not all exercises are created equal. While things like running, rowing, cycling, or even HIIT workouts tend to burn calories very quickly, the truth is, the overwhelming majority of people can’t actually stick with traditional cardio long enough for fat loss to reach stubborn areas. And it’s not that these methods don’t work if you stick to it, because they do. The problem is simply that they’re brutal. They require a lot of willpower.

Now don’t get me wrong, these forms of cardio definitely do have their place and some people have no problem sticking to them. In fact, I still do these intense sessions once or twice a week for conditioning. But I no longer rely on them as my main form of cardio to lose fat and nor should most people. Because if you want to lose your stubborn belly fat, and more importantly keep it off once it’s gone, then you need something you can stick to for life. What’s the solution?

The best exercise to lose belly fat is walking. It’s the easiest to maintain, lowest stress, lowest fatigue, and most versatile form of cardio. According to research, intense forms of cardio like HIIT or running, while time efficient, didn’t provide any superior fat loss effect when compared to longer yet less intense forms of cardio such as walking. Which makes sense. It’s simply a numbers game. Your body doesn’t care whether the calories you burned were from some crazy intense fasted cardio session or from plain old walking. What matters most is what you can do consistently over time. And if you crunch the numbers, you’ll actually find that the calories burned from simply walking can very quickly add up to a meaningful amount.

So now that I’ve hopefully convinced you of the power of walking, let’s dive into the specifics of how to lose belly fat from walking. The first step is to determine an average of how many steps you’re currently taking. You can use the health app on your iPhone or use Google Fit if you’re on Android. After a week, see what your daily average comes up to. Some of you however might be surprised with how few steps you’re taking, but this is a good thing, as it means you have a big opportunity to bump that up.

Set a realistic goal and first aim to do an extra 2,000 steps a day. Given that the average individual takes about 1,200 steps during 10 minutes of walking, all you have to do is throw in two 10 minutes walks into your day to accomplish that. Once you’re consistent with that, try bumping it up by another 2,000 steps, and continue doing this with the goal of consistently getting at least 8,000 steps or even up to 15,000 steps, which seems to be the range that provides the greatest fat loss and health benefits.

Trust me, the little things add up. Apply these tips and you’ll be surprised with just how much they increase your step count and even more surprised by how much of a difference it makes towards your fat loss overtime. That said guys, I want to emphasize that walking or any form of cardio is only effective for fat loss if it’s used in combination with a diet. So use your diet as the primary way to create a calorie deficit and supplement it with walking to help speed up the process.

This LOSE BELLY FAT IN 7 DAYS Challenge is the perfect workout for you to burn unwanted belly fat in just 7 days.

As your qualified online trainer Lucy I am here to get you the best results. Within this workout video, I explain that in order to reduce stubborn belly fat we have to focus on our nutrition, portion sizes, cardio and multi-compound bodyweight moves. Within this 7 Minute workout, we have 7 moves that are the full body which means they work lots of muscles all at once and this is how we help to reduce excess body fat as this will naturally increase your metabolism.

00:01 Introduction to 7-Minute Lose Belly Fat Workout
00:41 Belly Fat Exercise 1 Standing Ab Kicks
01:52 Belly Fat Exercise 2 Cardio Pendulum Swings
03:01 Belly Fat Exercise 3 Standing to Floor Walkouts
04:21 Belly Fat Exercise 4 Skaters Lunge with Waist Reaches
05:28 Belly Fat Exercise 5 Standing Ab Runs
06:45 Belly Fat Exercise 6 Waist Bends
07:58 Belly Fat Exercise 7 Lying Oblique Crunches
09:21 Cool Down Stretch

Click here to read my blogs on healthy lifestyle tips

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Watu – Belle 9 (Official Music Video)

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Watu - Belle 9 (Official Music Video)

Follow me on Instagram: @belle9tz
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Pregnancy Transformation (Week by Week) | Kryz Uy

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9 months in the making, and I can finally share this special video with you guys. ❤️ Here’s how my belly progressed and how little Scottie grew inside me. From a tiny little seed in week 7 to the watermelon-sized angel he was when he was born.

All this time I was and still am in awe of the female body. Being able to carry and sustain life inside me for 9 straight months, and now being able to fully nourish my baby through breastmilk is an experience like no other. Ladies, you are stronger and more capable than you can ever imagine 🤯 . I’ll forever be thankful to my body for nourishing my baby and keeping him (and myself) safe and healthy.

Entering this new momma life, I’ve learned the joy and art of taking it day by day. I may not know everything about motherhood, but I’m happy to take this precious time for me, learning every day, and seeing my baby and little family grow. ❤️

And to you guys watching, who have been on this journey with me from the start: Thank you for sticking around! I’ve seen numerous comments saying how some of you have been with me since my days and omg it’s been more than a decade of love and life’s little milestones. Thank you for being a part of my life.

To all new momma viewers out there, we can do it! I love reading your stories in the comment section and I’m glad that this has also become a space for all of us to share our stories and new discoveries with each other. Every day is a miracle guys, let’s learn from each other, cherish and make the most of it!

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Sponsored by iRestore.
To find out more about the Hair Growth System, check out: . If you’ve done your research and are interested to try out the system for yourself, iRestore have offered a discount code BUBZ350 for 0 off.

Hello everyone! How are you all?
After almost half a year, I’m so delighted to finally get my hair done again. Oh to sit on a salon chair for hours again. I figured it would be an opportunity to do a hair reveal alongside with my 8 month tummy tuck update.

My tummy tuck was definitely one of the best things I did last year. The scarring will take time to fade and while I’m optimistic that it will lighten and smooth out more, I have happily accepted I will always have a scar that will run hip to hip. The best thing about my tummy tuck is definitely the muscle repair.

I forgot to mention that sometimes when I lay on my tummy (especially left side), I do feel a little tugging in the tummy region. Never painful or too uncomfortable but I do feel the stretch so then I will change sleeping position. I will hopefully make a final tummy tuck scar update several months later.

As for my new hair, I LOVE IT!!! I feel so light and fresh with the shorter hair. I feel like I could definitely go even shorter next time. It’s basically a blunt lob with ash balayage if this helps.

As much as I adore my partner, please understand even though he is very excited to trial the hair growth system, he is still a very private person. Nonetheless, I hope it was a delight to catch him for the first and probably last time on this channel heh.

New video coming soon!

Have an amazing day everyone.

All my love,
Lindy xo

Music by kelsat – Exhale –

Music by JEN Z – Falling to Your Knees –

Music by Mr. Chase – Calling Home –
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7 Weeks Pregnant – Pregnancy Week by Week

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The embryo is now 7-9 millimetres long. His arms, legs, and face have started to develop. You can see dark spots on his face that will become his eye sockets. His ears are also visible. The embryo’s skin is sensitive and can sense touch. In the tiny buds that will become limbs, the bones are starting to grow.

The principal organs like the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and pancreas have also started to develop. Your baby has its first red blood cells now. He still has a so-called tail, but it will fade in the coming weeks.

Although you can’t feel it, your baby is moving actively in your belly already.

If you’ve had acne in the past it may break out again now. You can keep it under control with a mild facial cleanser and by drinking plenty of water. Consult your doctor about medication to treat nausea.

You will still be bothered by tiredness. You may gain or lose weight, depending whether you are feeling drowsy or suffering from vomiting. From the outside, your pregnancy is still not noticeable. If you haven’t consulted a doctor or midwife yet, do so now.

When you are tired take a short nap whenever you have a chance. You could also take a walk in fresh air to gather positive emotions and energy. It will benefit not only you but also the baby growing inside you.

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Video created by Kaarel Veike / VideoPartner
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[Bloodmoon] Belly of the Beast, Darkest Dungeon (Let's Play)

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The run I felt was going to be hardest for this playthrough.

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Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon (Pt. 159) - Belly of the Beast

The full release is here, and with it comes… The Darkest Dungeon.

Darkest Dungeon –

Darkest Dungeon is an intense new gothic RPG by Red Hook Studios with turn-based gameplay and a difficulty curve that almost necessitates a walkthrough. In this let’s play of Darkest Dungeon, you can expect that I’ll die. I’ll die a lot. And then when I’m done dying, I’ll do some more dying.

From the developer: “Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic RPG about the stresses of dungeon crawling. You will lead a band of heroes on a perilous side-scrolling descent, dealing with a prodigious number of threats to their bodily health, and worse, a relentless assault on their mental fortitude! Five hundred feet below the earth you will not only fight unimaginable foes, but famine, disease, and the stress of the ever-encroaching dark. Darkest Dungeon focuses on the humanity and psychological vulnerability of the heroes and asks: What emotional toll does a life of adventure take?”
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Hi! I’m BaerTaffy, but people usually call me Baer. You can be people, too! The main focus of my channel is gameplay walkthrough videos, or “Let’s Play” videos as they’re more commonly known. I also host a series called “Baer-ly Played”, where I do short and sweet game reviews. I’ll also do game previews on occasion, and you can find me live streaming a whole bunch over on Twitch! Thanks for watching my stuff, and consider subscribing if you like what you see! Love you.
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Formation of Baby in Mother's womb full video (0 to 9 months)

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here you can see the formation of baby in mother’s womb by using our graphics technology from sperm ovum fertilization to baby
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While customs and traditions involving pregnancy vary worldwide, the developmental process is essentially universal. Find out about the science of pregnancy from conception, through the three trimesters, and to labor and delivery.
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#NationalGeographic #Pregnancy #Educational

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The Gut-Brain Connection

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Duke University researcher Diego Bohorquez and colleagues have identified the neural circuitry that connects the gut with the brain. This pathway is spanned by a single synapse, capable of relaying a signal from gut to brain in 100 milliseconds. This newly discovered pathway is probably exploited by pathogens, and will almost certainly lead to new therapies.

Video produced by The Bohórquez Laboratory in the Duke University Departments of Medicine and Neurobiology. More research details available at

𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐁𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐳 𝐋𝐚𝐛
The ambition of Bohorquez Lab is to learn how to treat the brain from the gut. Researchers are focused on dissecting the neural circuits that transform signals from food and/or bacteria in the gut into electrical inputs that modulate behaviors like the desire to eat. The laboratory is built on multidisciplinary expertise in viral vector genomics, neurophysiology, behavioral phenotyping, organoid cultures, and neuroimaging. From human miniguts to its own 2Photon –The Wraith– Bohorquez Lab has the pipeline optimized to test ideas from single cells to whole animal behavior.

𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐃𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲
A private research university located in Durham, North Carolina, Duke University is known as one of the world’s leading institutions for education, research, and patient care.

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Chapter 14: Diagnositic imaging (1/3) “Bailey and Love’s -Short practice of Surgery 27th edition”

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Chapter 14: Diagnostic imaging

Bailey and Love’s -Short practice of Surgery 27th edition
Page No. 190

Audio lecture

Shadow of The Tomb Raider | Belly of The Serpent.

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Lara climbs over piles of human bodies to get through the serpent’s belly.
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The Trial of the Serpent is one of the most complex riddles in the Shadow of the Tomb Raider and it’s solved in the location called the Head of the Serpent. You can reach it from the Hidden City, but keep in mind that you have to complete a certain portion of the main plot beforehand, as well as complete the location called Belly of the Serpent. As regards the riddle itself, Lara has to figure out a way of setting two big barricades on fire.

This is a step to step guide as to how to get there and what to do and then how to get out.

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Lose Belly Fat In 3 Days With an Easy Egg Diet

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How to get rid of belly fat fast and for good? There is an easy egg diet that will get you in shape in less than a week. Let’s see how to reduce belly fat in just 3 days using eggs.

We have found a perfect way to become slimmer, more energetic, and overall healthier. No horrifying medical procedures or starving for days on end! Just one simple ingredient – and the process of weight loss will jump into action. You will see the result in no more than 3 days! Are you ready for the miracle?

5 shocking facts about obesity 0:28
What you shouldn’t do if you want to lose weight 1:55
Avoid the following products to get rid of belly fat 3:43
Why an egg is such an incredible product 5:21
3-day egg diet 6:21
Health benefits of drinking green tea 8:00

Keep this way for 3 days and see what will happen! Share the results you have achieved in the comments below the video, but let’s agree – no cheating while you are following this diet!

Music: The Process – Lakey Inspired is licensed under a Creative Commons license (

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