Archive for the tag: Weight

How do you shrink loose skin after weight loss?

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In this video I answer the common question I get asked a lot about how to get rid of loose skin after weight loss. I discuss the 3 factors that determine how likely you are to tighten up your skin and what your options are.

Lose Belly Fat | How Vitamin D3 Burns Fat | Weight Loss & Your Thyroid

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Lose Belly Fat | How Vitamin D3 Burns Fat | Weight Loss & Your Thyroid

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Lose Belly Fat | How Vitamin D3 Burns Fat | Weight Loss & Your Thyroid-

Hey, bad news for everyone that’s looking for a magic pill for fat loss. It doesn’t really exist. But, what I’m finding through a lot of research recently is that Vitamin D3 might be as close as we can get to something that can reduce belly fat as anything that’s out there. Let me explain how this works because honestly it’s pretty fascinating.

What Vitamin D is, first and foremost is a fat soluble Vitamin. It’s a fat soluble Vitamin that helps regulate mood, it can help regulate metabolism and most importantly it regulates where calcium goes in the body. But, because it’s fat soluble it means that it’s stored in the fat cell. Start thinking about this: if you have an excess amount of fat or if you’re overweight that means that most of the Vitamin D that you consume, even if you’re taking a supplement, is going to get sequestered into those fat cells and it’s going to stay there meaning you have less bio actively available Vitamin D3 to do the cool things that I’m about to explain.

Let’s talk about how Vitamin D3 actually burns fat. The first method is by increasing something called Leptin. Have you ever eaten food before and gotten full? If you haven’t you’re probably not human. Honestly, what happens is leptin signals your brain that you’re full. When you eat a lot of food you have the production of Leptin, signals your brain that you’re full and you stop eating. Problem is that without Vitamin D3, Leptin levels don’t generally increase that much. If you have enough D3 your brain can signal and your brain can be told you need to stop eating. It’s that simple. Low levels of Vitamin D3 those Leptin levels don’t get too high and you can keep eating, making it very easy to overeat.

Remember what I said about the Vitamin D3 getting stored in fat cells? Think about this, if you already are low in D3 and then you eat and you don’t have enough Leptin so you keep eating more then you’re going to develop more fat cells, which means you’re going to hold onto more Vitamin D in the fat cells and more and more to the point where you have this snowball effect where you continue to store fat. Are you one of those people that have just looked in the mirror and say how did this happen to me?

Honestly, I was one of those people seven or eight years ago. The other way that Vitamin D3 is proving to potentially be a good belly fat burner is through the modulation of the parathyroid and calcitriol hormones. The Parathyroid is a small set of glands around the thyroid in our throat and basically when they produce parathyroid or they produce calcitriol, we have a rapid increase in how our body stores fat. It tends to want to store it more. If we have enough Vitamin D3 the parathyroid and calcitriol hormones aren’t quite as crazy. They’re not going quite as haywire, which means your body slowly stores and slowly metabolizes fat versus doing it rapidly, making it where you look in the mirror and feel like it happened overnight.

Those are the two main reasons that Vitamin D3 is starting to play a big role in belly fat. This wouldn’t be a traditional video of mine if I didn’t at least reference one peer reviewed, double blind placebo study. One study took 218 women. These 218 women they gave a strict diet and exercise program to and they asked them to follow it for a year. Then they took half of these women and they gave them Vitamin D. The other half of the women they gave a placebo. After one year of time, it was found that the women that took the Vitamin D had on average seven pounds more weight loss than those that didn’t take the Vitamin D. It doesn’t sound like much but just by adding Vitamin D, it’s pretty dang interesting.

Then, there’s one other study. There is another study that found that those that were taking Vitamin D3 had a better waist to hip ration than those that were not.

1) 10 Reasons to Take Vitamin D to Lose Fat and Build Muscle. (n.d.). Retrieved from

2) Does Taking Extra Vitamin D Reduce Body Fat? | Healthy Eating | SF Gate. (n.d.). Retrieved from

3) Link between obesity and vitamin D clarified | Science News. (n.d.). Retrieved from

4) Vitamin D Council | What is vitamin D? (n.d.). Retrieved from

5) Vitamin D3 supplementation during weight loss: a double-blind randomized controlled trial. – PubMed – NCBI. (n.d.). Retrieved from

How To Get A Flat Stomach In 5 Days – How To Lose Weight Without Diet Or Exercise – Fat Cutter Tea

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green tea for weight loss flat stomach. turmeric tea for weight loss and flat stomach. fat cutter tea. how to lose weight without diet or exercise

#howtoloseweightfast #fatcutterdrink #fatcuttertea #flatstomach #flatbelly #nisahomey

How To Get Flat Belly In 5 Days:

How To Lose Weight Fast – 5 KG:

Fast Diet Weightloss Smoothie:

Mango Lassi Overnight Oats:

Water: 1 cup
Cinnamon: 1/4 inch
Ginger: 1/4 inch
Turmeric: 1/4 tsp
Pepper: 1/4 tsp
Green tea leaves: 1/2 tsp (I used Darjeeling tea leaves).

Thanks for watching and don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE & COMMENT!!


Do not have this drink if you are allergic to any of the ingredients or have any kidney disease or on a blood thinning medication.

Pregnant and lactating women should consult their health practitioner before trying out natural home remedies or any remedies in this channel.

This video is only intended for an informational purpose.Readers are subjected to use this information on their own risk.This channel doesn’t take any responsibility for any harm, side-effects, illness or any health or skin care problems caused due to the use of our content or anything related to this..

The content is offered on an informational basis only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the guidance of a qualified health provider before making any adjustment to a medication or treatment you are currently using, and/or starting any new medication or treatment. All recommendations are “generally informational” and not specifically applicable to any individual’s medical problems, concerns and/or needs.

🔑Fat Loss VS Weight Loss (Big Difference!)

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The difference between Fat Loss & Weight Loss

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🔑Do you want to lose fat or do you want to lose weight? Because there is a difference between the two!

By simply doing lots of cardio and restricing your calories, you can lose weight quickly. But this oftentimes does not result in the type of progress people are looking for.

Most people want to get leaner, while at least maintaining muscle. This requires you to have a more gradual weight loss rate, lift some weights, and pay attention to your protein intake [1]

For most people, eating at least 1.6g or per kilogram of your bodyweight in protein is a good aim [2]. Also, make sure lifting weights is your main form of activity to promote muscle retention [3].

You can still sprinkle some cardio on top of your approach for extra calorie-burn.

📚 Scientific References:
1. Mettler, S., Mitchell, N., & Tipton, K. D. (2010). Increased protein intake reduces lean body mass loss during weight loss in athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 42(2), 326-37.
2. Morton, R. W., Murphy, K. T., McKellar, S. R., Schoenfeld, B. J., Henselmans, M., Helms, E., … & Phillips, S. M. (2018). A systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression of the effect of protein supplementation on resistance training-induced gains in muscle mass and strength in healthy adults. British journal of sports medicine, 52(6), 376-384.
3. Kraemer, W. J., Volek, J. S., Clark, K. L., Gordon, S. E., Puhl, S. M., Koziris, L. P., … & Sebastianelli, W. J. (1999). Influence of exercise training on physiological and performance changes with weight loss in men. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 31(9), 1320-1329.

Protein is key for healthy weight loss

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A new study confirms that protein is likely the most important nutrient for healthy weight loss. In this video, we define what healthy weight loss is and show you the evidence why you should prioritize protein for healthy weight loss success.

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3-Day Military Diet To Lose Weight As Fast As Possible

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The Military Diet is a super effective short-term food plan that claims to help you lose up to ten pounds in a week. What’s even better, you don’t have to workout and get to eat hotdogs and ice cream.
One of the coolest things about this diet is that it lasts only 3 days. You can achieve impressive results only if you follow the eating plan to a T.
This diet is surprisingly really easy to follow and doesn’t demand much on your part. You don’t need to constantly count calories, spend hours at the gym, or buy a long list of really expensive supplements. The Military Diet calls for ingredients you can easily find at your nearest grocery store.
And how exactly does it work? No miracles, just pure metabolism kick-starting. By decreasing your calorie intake over a short period, your body will burn more fat and, as a result, you’ll lose weight effortlessly. It’s definitely not your typical starvation diet. While it is low in calories, it provides you with the energy you need to have a productive day since it includes healthy fats, carbohydrates, and protein.

How does it work? 1:15
Day 1 1:46
Day 2 2:42
Day 3 3:40
Additional tips 4:46

-By decreasing your calorie intake over a short period, your body will burn more fat and, as a result, you’ll lose weight effortlessly.
-Start your day with a cup of coffee or tea, a toast with peanut butter and half a grapefruit. Have a cup of hot coffee or tea with a slice of toast and half a cup of tuna for lunch. For dinner you should have about 85 grams of any meat, one cup of green beans, half a banana, and one small apple. You can also treat yourself with one cup of vanilla ice cream.
-Your breakfast on the second day of the diet will consist of one slice of toast, one hard-boiled egg, and half a banana. When it’s time for lunch, eat one more hard-boiled egg, five saltine crackers, and one cup of cottage cheese. Your final meal for the day should include two hotdogs, a cup of carrots, a cup of broccoli, and half a banana. You are allowed to have 1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream again.
-The third and final day of your strict diet plan starts with five saltine crackers, a slice of cheddar cheese, and one small apple. Your lunch will consist of just a slice of wholegrain toast and one egg. Take a cup of tuna and half a banana with a whole cup of vanilla ice cream for dinner.
-Make it a habit to start your day with a glass of water. Find yourself a diet buddy so that you can control and motivate each other. Remember it’s always a good idea to consult your doctor before trying any new diet.

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3-Day Weight Loss Challenge: Daily Exercise To Burn Fat

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Another 3-day challenge for you to do!

This time, expect to see changes all over your body as you workout with these full-body exercises. These routines will show you amazing results within 3-days of working out so strive to workout everyday for the next 3 days.

This half-hour workout is indeed challenging but if you want to see what your body is made of and how much fat you can burn in just 3 days, I recommend this workout for you to do.

Good luck and let’s begin the workout!❤️💪

Lose Weight | Exercises To Lose Belly Fat | Exercises To Lose Weight

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Lose weight. This video is on exercises to lose belly fat, exercises to lose weight, lose belly fat and weight loss exercises.

This weeks video is a two part episode on how to lose belly fat and weight. This episode will be focusing on exercises anyone can do at home to lose weight and belly fat, the first episode was on dietary advice. I’ve received a lot of messages and comments to make a video on this topic and now it’s finally ready. I really hope my tips help you and always remember you’re awesome!

You see the problem is that fat, isn’t just the inch you can pinch known as subcutaneous fat the real danger is the fat that’s in your abdomen and surrounding your internal organs known as visceral fat. Studies have shown visceral fat puts us at higher risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and in women it’s even shown to increase the risk of breast cancer.

If done correctly after 6 weeks the study showed a loss of just over 2cm around the waist of the participants which is great and you can do this without any diet change and see a difference.

Now these results are good but they’re definitely not as good as the diet change group which I spoke about in the first part of this video who lost 1kg a week and 5cm around the waist after 6 weeks.

And this because the participants who only did the abdominal exercises so no diet change only really improved their muscle tone. Now you might be thinking but Abraham what do you mean by that? Well we know by increasing your muscle tone your essentially holding fat in with muscle so they haven’t reduced the fat around the waist but it does give a thinner appearance hence the 2cm reduction.

Which is why it’s important not be fixated on just doing abdominal crunches to try and lose weight or belly fat. Yes these exercises have been shown to give a 2cm reduction in waste size after 6 weeks. But you also really need to make those dietary changes as explained in part one of this video for maximum impact.

If you do the diet correctly you should expect to lose 0.5 to 1kg every week which is great but here’s the best part after 6 weeks the study showed that each individual also reduced their dangerous visceral fat by 14% and they reduced their cholesterol, blood pressure and had a 5cm reduction in their waistline and that’s without any exercise so just imagine the results if you merge these abdominal exercise and diet change.

As explained this is a two part video this episode will be focusing on exercises that anyone can do at home to help lose belly fat. The first episode was on dietary advice and can be found at the following link:

Before beginning any diet it’s definitely worth checking if you actually need to lose weight as you may already be at a healthy weight and the easiest way to do this is to check your BMI at the following link:

In this video I had teamed up with The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) who regulate all medicines in the UK. Our aim in this video, was to warn people about the dangers of buying potentially life threatening diet pills from illegal online suppliers.

Almost 2 in 3 people suffered unpleasant side effects after taking dangerous online slimming pills, these included bleeding that wouldn’t stop, heart attacks, strokes and hallucinations!

For more information and guidance watch the video:

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Prescribing Media Pharmacist | Extreme Optimist | Bringing Science Through New Videos Every Week – Monday 4PM(GMT).

I’m a prescribing media pharmacist who loves science, making videos and helping people. I work in both GP surgeries and community pharmacy.

This video is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. Abraham The Pharmacist has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

12 Tips To Start Running For Weight Loss, Fastest Way To Lose Weight

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If you want to lose weight, running is one of the best ways to do it, as running burns more calories than any other form of cardio exercise. If you have some extra pounds that you want to shed. Here are 12 tips to help you get started. And don’t forget to share this video with your friends on facebook google+ instagram twitter if you like it
Video Rating: / 5

Can Jogging Help you Lose Weight, Belly Fat & Get you Ripped | How to: Running for Weight Loss

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Can Jogging Help you Lose Weight, Belly Fat & Get you Ripped | How to: Running for Weight Loss

If you’re wondering if jogging can help you lose weight and belly fat. Check out this video to find out if running can get you ripped

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Whenever someone needs to lose weight the most common advice is for them to eat less and up the cardio. And jogging has been one of the most popular forms of cardio for the longest time. But is jogging really an effective method to get you to lose weight and look ripped? The answer to that is yes it can help you lose weight and it can help you burn some body fat and get more defined. However the real question should be..”is it the most effective out of all the approaches to get you ripped.” And the answer to that is no, and today I’m going to explain exactly why that is. First let’s start with the very basic fact that all jogging is going to do for you in regard to Fat loss is help you burn off a few extra calories. These few extra calories can lead you to a greater overall calorie deficit which will end up causing you to burn some extra body fat. But what if we lifted weights instead of jogging or what if we played some basketball or what if we even sprinted for less time? would jogging still be the most efficient way to burn those extra calories? Well luckily we could figure this out. Jogging burns about four hundred calories per hour. Lifting weights burns about 250 calories per hour. And that’s not including the afterburn effect that you’ll experience when your body continues burning calories after weight training to return to homeostasis. And it’s also not talking about circuit weight training which will burn a lot more calories than traditional weight training. Then for basketball believe it or not playing a half court game burns about five hundred fifty calories per hour, and a full court game will burn around 747 calories an hour. That’s a lot more than jogging. And last but not least sprinting…are you ready for this… sprinting Will burn 200 calories in two and a half minutes. Obviously that’s way more than what you can burn jogging.

For a long time it was believed that sprinting and other forms of high intensity cardio would burn more calories from carbohydrates while jogging would burn more calories from fat. However it is now known that this is simply untrue. Let’s say that when you’re jogging you’re burning 60% of your calories from fat and 40% of your calories from Carbs. And let’s also say that when your sprinting it’s the reverse 60% from carbs and 40% from fat. The percentages don’t matter nearly as much as the number of total calories that you burn that you wind up taking the percentages from. If you burn a lot more calories during your sprinting workout then youre still going to wind up burning more fat during that workout even if it’s based off of a smaller percentage. On top of that it’s been shown that even if you do burn a higher percentage of fat during your jogging workout when you’re done your body is just going to switch over to burning more carbs throughout the rest of the day. Like I said earlier really the only thing that jogging can do for fat loss is burn a few extra calories during that workout. So The most efficient way to reduce calories is definitely not by jogging. especially because after you jog you’re going to be hungry and you’re going to want to take those calories right back in. The most efficient way to reduce calories and also the most efficient way to get ripped is by doing it through your diet. And if you want to supplement with some additional cardio to burn off even more calories jogging doesn’t seem like it’s the best choice when compared with sprinting for example or even a game of basketball.

Another thing that you should know is that excessive cardio..and jogging once or twice a week for thirty minutes wouldn’t be considered excessive cardio, but if you were to do excessive cardio you could be sacrificing muscle mass which is metabolically active tissue, meaning it burns fat just by being there. Also part of looking shredded is having defined muscles so we don’t want to do anything that’s going to sacrifice muscle mass. Again doing a couple cardio workouts is not going to do this but if you do it everyday you’re going to have a problem and you’re definitely not going to be able to build muscle while doing that. The bottom line is that jogging is an excellent tool for detoxifying your lungs and your body in general and it can help you burn some additional calories but there are way better and more effective ways to maximize your fat loss through cardio. High intensity interval training is one of those ways. You can do sprints.